
If you have been around the FPS space for a while you likely have ran in to people using the term "head glitch" alot. But what does this mean? Our goal with this post is to educate you on what head glitching is and how it works.
A "head glitch" in FPS games refers to situations where players position themselves behind cover in such a way that only their head is visible to the enemy, but they can still fire their weapon with no issues.
In some FPS games the player's camera is positioned slightly above the character model's eyes. This means that when you position your character behind a piece of cover (like a wall, ledge, or crate), your camera may have a clear line of sight over the cover, but your character's body is still mostly hidden behind it. From the opponent's perspective, the player using a head glitch is extremely difficult to hit because only a small portion of their character model (usually the head) is exposed. However, because of the glitch, the player can still shoot back with an almost unobstructed view of the enemy.