Everything you need to know about matchmaking in XDefiant


Staff member
With matchmaking being a huge topic in modern FPS titles, transparency with the community is key. Without transparency you risk the community bringing up conspiracy theories about what happens behind the scenes. Some of these theories seem plausible, but others are just nonsense for example I heard one individual believing that the higher skill you were in a certain FPS title the more "fog" you would receive in game and the worse your weather in game would be for you.... Anyways, XDefiant has decided to be what I presume to be full transparency regarding their matchmaking system. The different factors for casual vs ranked play will be listed below. More details can be found on Ubisoft's blog post down below.

For Casual Play​

  1. Latency
  • Prefers similar pings.
  1. Avoided Players
  • Restricts matchmaking between any players currently avoiding one another through muting.
  1. Party Size
  • Prefers to match parties against parties of similar size.
  1. Region
  • Prefers players from the same region/language.
  1. Input Device
  • Prefers players using the same input method.
  1. Platform
  • Prefers players using the same platform. (PC, Xbox, PS)

For Ranked Play​

  1. Rank Points (RP)
  • Only matches within acceptable Rank range.
  1. Latency
  • Prefers similar pings.
  1. Party Size
  • Prefers to match squads against squads of similar size.
  1. Region
  • Prefers players from the same region/language.
  1. Input Device
  • Prefers players using the same input method.
  1. Platform
  • Prefers players using the same platform. (PC, Xbox, PS)
